A Non-Emergency Crime
Please Note: Our Service is located in Ontario, Canada.
Crime and Lost Property Reporting Online
Is this a crime in progress, an emergency or are you in danger? Dial 9-1-1 now.
If not, you may be able to make an online report. There are many types of incidents that can be reported online.
File Online Report
Please Note:
- You must have a valid email to use this system.
- Filing a false police report is a criminal offence.
- Reports filed on behalf of a third party, i.e. another person or for public property, will not be accepted. Reports must be filed by the actual complainant, owner or authorized representative.
- Upon review, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted by email.
Alternative Response Unit (ARU)
The Peterborough Police Service is pleased to offer the Alternative Response Unit (ARU) which consists of a police officer located in the lobby of the Peterborough Police Station, located at 500 Water Street, Peterborough. This officer is available to assist with any questions you may have relating to all aspects of policing.
The ARU can be contacted by phone at (705) 876-1122 ext. 274 or an online report can be made by accessing the link above.
Please note that these services are NOT monitored 24/7, so if it is an emergency please dial 9-1-1.
Shoplift Release Report
If you are a Loss Prevention Officer and would like to submit a Shoplift Release Report for a person in custody please click on Shoplift Release Report